身為資工系的學生, 又那麼愛做筆記 XD 卻到今天才想做這件事似乎有點落漆
還沒明確知道想用來記錄些什麼, 有可能只是與程式相關的東西, 也有可能會很雜
但也很有可能過了一年什麼屁都沒有, 到時候也可以拿出來嘲笑自己一下自我檢討一番
Decide creating the blog today. It seems abnormal for a computer science student to do this so late. After all, I like taking note a lots...
Still not sure about what am gonna write here. Maybe all about programming. Maybe it will be really mixed. Nevertheless... very likely that it will still be empty after a year... Then I can open it and piss myself.
迅速 Google 了一下該用哪個平台, 只想找個簡單好用的
外貌先決下 wordpress 和 blogger 脫穎而出, 進一步看了一下覺得並沒有複雜架站的需求所以最後選了 blogger
身為資工系的學生, 又那麼愛做筆記 XD 卻到今天才想做這件事似乎有點落漆
還沒明確知道想用來記錄些什麼, 有可能只是與程式相關的東西, 也有可能會很雜
但也很有可能過了一年什麼屁都沒有, 到時候也可以拿出來嘲笑自己一下自我檢討一番
Decide creating the blog today. It seems abnormal for a computer science student to do this so late. After all, I like taking note a lots...
Still not sure about what am gonna write here. Maybe all about programming. Maybe it will be really mixed. Nevertheless... very likely that it will still be empty after a year... Then I can open it and piss myself.
迅速 Google 了一下該用哪個平台, 只想找個簡單好用的
外貌先決下 wordpress 和 blogger 脫穎而出, 進一步看了一下覺得並沒有複雜架站的需求所以最後選了 blogger